We are dedicated to ending the immense cruelty and human suffering that is forced genital mutilation of infants and children.

We are all harmed by forced genital mutilation, either directly or indirectly, whether we recognize that harm or not. Through education, we become aware of the harm, and work to put an end to it forever.

Forced Genital Mutilation harms EVERYONE. Its victims most of all, and the rest of us because we live together in a multi-connected society. When one person suffers, their suffering ripples throughout society in acts of violence, war, rape, crime, poverty, drug use, relationship difficulties, suicide, and premature death.




EVERY CHILD WORLDWIDE must reach adulthood with their genitals fully intact as the day they were born. Only medically recognized surgical alterations that are FULLY & IMMEDIATELY NECESSARY TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THE CHILD are acceptable.


Through education and empathy, we can create a better world, free of childhood trauma and adult dysfunction and unhappiness.


  • EVERY CHILD HAS A RIGHT TO THE BODY THEY ARE BORN WITH, regardless of gender or intersex.
  • ALL CHILDREN are to be left 100% intact. No loss of blood or flesh can be acceptable.. Zero genital scars
  • Nothing less than complete respect for the child as a human being in their own right.